How to get 100g of protein a day?



How to get 100g of protein a day?

How to get 100g of protein a day?

Getting 100g of protein a day simply means incorporating protein-rich foods into each of your meals and snacks. Here’s a sample meal plan to achieve this:


🥚 Breakfast:
  1. Protein Pancake: Using protein powder and oats instead of flour can provide a protein boost.
    • Protein: 20g
  2. Greek Yogurt: This could be a side dish or you could add it to your pancakes as a topping.
    • Protein: 10g
  3. Coffee with Milk: Switch out black coffee for an option with some milk.
    • Protein: 1g
🥗 Lunch:
  1. Grilled Chicken Salad: Fill your salad with vegetables, a grilled chicken breast, and your dressing of choice.
    • Protein: 30g
🍱 Dinner:
  1. Grilled Salmon: Salmon is a great source of protein.
    • Protein: 25g
  2. Quinoa: This grain is high in protein compared to other grains.
    • Protein: 8g
Snacks & Extra:
  1. Protein Bars: These are great as a post-workout snack.
    • Protein: 20g
  2. Nuts: Nuts make for a perfect snack on the go.
    • Protein: 6g
Total Protein: 120g


This is more than your requirement of 100g and, of course, the amount of protein in the foods will depend on the portion size and the cooking method. Feel free to adjust the food and portions to your taste and dietary needs.😋

What are some other protein-rich breakfast options besides protein pancakes and Greek yogurt?

What are some other protein-rich breakfast options besides protein pancakes and Greek yogurt?

Of course! Here are some other high-protein breakfast options for you to consider.🍳
  1. Egg Muffins: Whisk together eggs, vegetables, and cheese. Pour the mixture into muffin tins and bake until set. They’re great for on-the-go eating.
    • Protein: ~6g per muffin
  2. Quinoa Porridge: Cook quinoa in almond milk until creamy, then top with nuts and berries.
    • Protein: ~8g per cup
  3. Cottage Cheese with Fruits: Low fat cottage cheese is high in protein and can be paired with your favorite fruits.
    • Protein: ~28g per cup
  4. Omelette: A veggie-filled omelette is a protein-packed breakfast. You can use whites only or a combination of whole eggs and egg whites.
    • Protein: ~ 6g per large egg
  5. Chia Pudding: Chia seeds are a great source of protein. Mix them with almond milk, set in the fridge overnight to thicken, and top with nuts and fruit in the morning.
    • Protein: ~6g per 2 tablespoons of chia seeds
  6. Peanut Butter Toast: Whole grain bread with a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter can be a quick and rich protein breakfast.
    • Protein: ~ 8g for 2 tablespoons of peanut butter


Remember, it’s good to vary your sources of protein throughout the day. Enjoy your breakfast!😊

A high-protein breakfast option that's easy to carry and eat on the go

A high-protein breakfast option that’s easy to carry and eat on the go

Certainly! I’ll be happy to suggest some portable high-protein breakfast options for when you’re on the move.🏃‍♀️


  1. Protein Shake: Mix a scoop of protein powder with almond milk or water and grab a banana on your way out. Carry it in your shaker bottle.
    • Protein: ~20-30g per scoop of protein powder
  2. Protein Bars: These are pre-packed and ready to go. Just watch for added sugars.
    • Protein: ~10-20g per bar
  3. Egg Muffins: A batch of egg muffins can be made ahead of time. They’re like mini omelettes that you can pack and eat on the go.
    • Protein: ~6g per muffin
  4. Peanut Butter Banana Wrap: Spread peanut butter on a whole grain tortilla, place a whole banana on top, and roll it up. Great for on-the-go!
    • Protein: ~8g for 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
  5. Greek Yogurt Parfait: Layer Greek yogurt with granola and berries in a reusable container.
    • Protein: ~10g per serving of Greek yogurt
  6. Overnight Oats: Prepare oats with protein powder, chia seeds, and almond milk the night before. In the morning, grab your jar and go.
    • Protein: ~15g depending on how much protein powder you use


Remember to prepare your on-the-go breakfast the night before to save yourself some time in the morning. Enjoy these tasty and protein-packed breakfast options!😋

Create an image illustrating post-workout recovery foods that are quick to prepare and high in protein for muscle recovery. The image should include visual representation of various protein-rich foods which can be prepared quickly.

Here are some post-workout recovery foods that are quick to prepare and high in protein for muscle recovery. 💪


  1. Protein Shake: This is a quick and easy option. Combine your favourite protein powder with water or milk (regular or plant-based), then shake and drink.
    • Protein: ~20-30g per scoop of protein powder
  2. Greek Yogurt with Fruit: The protein in Greek yogurt will aid muscle repair, and the fruit provides healthy sugars to replenish energy stores.
    • Protein: ~10g per 100g of yogurt
  3. Tuna on Whole Grain Crackers: Both tuna and whole grains are good sources of protein.
    • Protein: ~20g per 100g of tuna
  4. Chicken Breast with Veggies: If you have the time to cook, grilled chicken breast with a side of veggies can be a great recovery meal.
    • Protein: ~30g per 100g of chicken
  5. Cottage Cheese and Fruit Parfait: Layer cottage cheese with your favourite fruits for a protein and vitamin packed snack.
    • Protein: ~11g per 100g of cottage cheese
  6. Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich: Whole grain bread provides complex carbs, while peanut butter supplies protein. Bananas add a shot of energy replenishing potassium.
    • Protein: ~8g per 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
  7. Boiled Eggs: A pair of boiled eggs can supply you with a great amount of protein to help build your muscles.
    • Protein: ~12g per two large eggs


Remember, consuming an ample amount of protein and carbs within 30 minutes after exercising can greatly improve your recovery. Enjoy these tasty and protein-packed post-workout foods!😋

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